God of Grace and Second Chances
I got the phone call I had known was coming but wasn’t looking forward to. “Dad passed away last night.” Even now, a week later, the words come with difficulty. I remember telling him a few years ago, “I’m pretty mad at you, yunno…” When he asked why, I told him he was late… Dad came into my mom’s life in 2001 and mine a few months later.
Eldon was an orange grower most all of his life. Part rancher, part farmer, part maintenance man as well as weatherman. I remember seeing him in his recliner early in the morning, having stayed up all night in the winter months watching the weather, should the need arise to turn on the giant fans in the orchards or open the irrigation. Which one, depended on the altitude of the freezing air. Above all those things, Eldon was a believer and follower of Jesus.
Eldon wasn’t my birth father; as I said… he was too late for that, but he was a good man who married my mom after losing his wife earlier to health issues. My mom had been married but divorced earlier in life (much earlier), and was at the point of retirement. With a bit of free time on her hands, she began commuting on the weekends to her sister’s place in order to enjoy the companionship only sisters understand. It just so happened my aunt was playing match maker between mom and the widower, and mom ended up making those trips increasingly regular. What could possibly become of it for two people late into their 60’s?
There are three occasions in the Bible when Jesus brought the dead back to life: when a mother and father received their little girl, when a mother received her son, and when two sisters received their brother back from the dead. There are numerous stories of Jesus giving people brand new beginnings… when he gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, restored the lame and crippled, forgave the broken, and called the imperfect to a place of purpose. As believers, we like to use the phrase “God of second chances.” That may be your prayer even at this point in your life.. a second chance, a chance to get it right, to mend what was broken, to restore what has been lost.
Mom and Eldon got their second chance at love and life; at new mornings at the breakfast table with a companion and hope for what lay ahead. God gave them 22 1/2 years of second chances as husband and wife. They are extremely grateful for those years. They are not the only ones he does that for, he does that for all who seek him with their whole heart, and who leave the their future in His hands. For most of us, that is no easy task. It requires letting go in trust that what he has in store is for our good.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” It makes this well known verse all the more potent to know these are the words of Jeremiah to the people of Israel while they are still in captivity in Babylon. Still feeling helpless and hopeless, still feeling vulnerable when the prophet brings them a reason to have hope for the future. Yep, that was God of second chances over 2500 years ago. The same God who watches over us today. If you’re praying for a second chance I encourage you to be patient, especially in the times you are feeling vulnerable. You never know what God is going to do to give you a whole new season.
Rest in peace Eldon, the oranges are harvested… and tell grandma Irby hello for me. I sure do miss her.