Sunday Morning Service
Sunday morning worship begins at 10am with 4 or 5 contemporary songs and hymns that lead to a time of prayer for the church family, our community and world. There is a 3 minute break while we transition to the teaching time. Pastor Tim usually teaches for 30-40 minutes, through a series based on the current book of the Bible we are studying. Currently Tim is teaching through the Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew. For those who are curious, while Tim uses various Bible versions and translations for study, he reads from the NIV version Sunday morning.
Tuesday Evening & Coffee With the Guys
For our “Tues Eve gathering” we meet at the church @ 6:00pm for “Bring your Own Dinner” and a Bible Study or Video series which begins @ 6:30. We are beginning the 4th season of the series The Chosen.
For “Coffee With the Guys,” we meet on Fridays at McDonalds @ 9am.
Finding Your Way Around

It’s always helpful to have an idea of the layout of the church facility when you first visit. From the main entryway, the stairs to your right lead down to the Kidz Church area and Nursery (to the left, at the bottom), as well as the Dining Room, Kitchen and Rest Rooms to the right. Also, if you find there is not enough parking out in front of the building, there is additional parking in the church-owned lot to the east, on the far side of the alley.

The Main gathering room for Worship is up the stairs to your left. Going through the open double-doors you will find the Hospitality area across the room and to your left. Coffee, tea, cocoa and ice water are available beginning a half-hour before service. At the conclusion of service, we want you to have the chance to connect with us so we offer a variety of snacks in addition to hot and cold beverages.